Obstetrics and Gynaecology ADVISOR
Fertility Specialist and Obstetrician and Gynaecologist (UNSW/Monash/Harvard)
Dr Sameer Jatkar is a practicing Fertility Specialist, Obstetrician and Gynaecologist who completed his subspecialty Fellowship in IVF at the internationally renowned Monash IVF in Melbourne, Australia. Dr Jatkar underwent medical training at the University of Melbourne, followed by specialist training at the Mercy Hospital for Women and Monash Health in Melbourne, Australia. He also completed specialty training at the Royal Free Hospital in London, U.K. and a Masters in International Health Policy at the London School of Economics and Political Science. Dr Jatkar worked as a Management Consultant for McKinsey & Company based in the London Healthcare team, completing a number of engagements with clients in the government sector, pharmaceutical industry and health care providers in the UK and Europe.
Dr Jatkar additionally holds the Masters in Reproductive Medicine from the University of New South Wales and the Masters in Clinical Embryology from Monash University. He also holds the Masters in Public Health at Harvard University in Boston, USA with a major interest in quality and safety in healthcare delivery.
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